Title of Project: Nakonde Maize Value Chain (Processing Plant) Project
Address: The project to be implemented at Old Fife Area of Nakonde District, Muchinga Province – Zambia.
Project Typology: We prefer Establishing and implementing a project through PPP (Private-Public Partnership)
Project Scope: The proposed scope is to Develop of a new Project
Other Collaboration Sought: Enhanced out-grower scheme among grain producers.
Value Addition: processing and packaging thereby increasing competiveness and profitability to local maize products
Market access (Domestic or International buyers)
Access to production materials
Objectives of the Project
To stimulate and support long term economic growth and increased cash flow in Nakonde
Project Strengths
Availability of maize grain producers
The project will be one of its kind in the district and surrounding areas
There is high demand for maize products in the area
Favorable trade environment (readily available market)
Construction of a Modern Shopping Mall
Title of Project: Construction of a Modern Shopping Mall
Address: The project is earmarked to be located at the old bus station and Council Lodge, within Nakonde Town Center along Great North Road, Muchinga Province – Zambia.
Project Typology: We prefer Establishing and implementing a project through PPP (Private-Public Partnership)
Project Scope: The proposed scope is to Develop of a new Project
Other Collaboration Sought
Market access (Domestic or International buyers)
Access to production materials
Objectives of the Project
The objective of the project is to address the current shortage of Decent Supermarket, Food courts or Restaurants in Nakonde Town, Recreation centers and kids entertainment facilities, Departments stores, Electronic stores, Fitment Centers, Auto repair facilities and First class star hotel to promote growth of the local economy.
Project Strengths
The Province and the region offer no Shopping Mall at the moment.
Easy accessibility as it is a border town that offers free trade.
High inflax of people in the district
High demand for quality goods
Rice Production/Value Chain Expansion
Title of Project: Rice Production/Value Chain Expansion
Address: The project is expected to be implemented between Nsonga and Mutakwa communities in Chiwanza Ward of Nakonde District, Muchinga Province – Zambia.
Project Typology: We prefer Establishing and implementing a project through PPP (Private-Public Partnership)
Project Scope: The proposed scope is to Develop of a new Project
Other Collaboration Sought
Increased land under cultivation for rice using mechanized technology.
Value Addition: processing and packaging thereby increasing competiveness and profitability to local rice products
Market access (Domestic or International buyers)
Access to production materials
Objectives of the Project
To stimulate and support long term economic growth and increased cash flow in Nakonde
Project Strengths
Availability of land for rice production
The local leadership is eager to see development in the district
Favorable weather conditions
Favorable trade environment (readily available market)