Title of Project: Mealie-Meal/Stock feed Processing Plant
Address: located in Isoka District, Katyetye Chiefdom- Chinyonga Ward, Isoka District. The area is currently under customary tenure.
Project Typology: The project will be open for FDI through a majority stake, meaning the investor will have a majority stake in the project.
Project Scope: The scope of the project will be development of a new project.
Other Collaboration Sought: The collaborations which will be sought from the investor will be, Market access (Domestic or International buyers), Technology and know-how expertise
Objectives of the Project
The objectives of the project are to add value to the agricultural produce from Isoka District which ranges from Mealie Meal Production, stock feed production and packaging.
Create employment for the local people from the investment.
Broaden the economic base of the district.
Project Strengths
Availability of suitable land for the processing plant.
Abundance of the required raw materials required for the processing plant within the district.
Availability of out-grower schemes to support the production of raw materials.
The presence of TRALARD project within the district to boost the production of the raw materials.
Availability of existing services such as Atlas-Mara Bank.
Existence of educational institutions such as Isoka Trades Institute within the district, Kapasa makasa University in Chinsali.
Meat processing plant
Title of Project: Meat processing plant
Address: located in Isoka District, Katyetye Chiefdom- Chinyonga Ward, Isoka District. The area is currently under customary tenure.
Project Typology: The proposed project will be open for foreign direct investment with the investor having a majority stake in the project.
Project Scope: The project scope will development of a new project
Other Collaboration Sought: Market access (Domestic or International buyers), Technology and know-how expertise, Technology and know-how expertise.
Objectives of the Project
The objectives of the project are to add value to the livestock produce from Isoka, Mafinga and Nakonde Districts which ranges from beef, poultry, goat meat etc.
Create employment for the local people from the investment.
Broaden the economic base of the district.
Project Strengths
Availability of land for the processing plants and it being along the Great North Road.
Availability of the raw materials.
The presence of TRALARD project within the district which would boost the production of the raw materials.
Climate resilient livestock management trainings are offered to the producers within the districts i.e. CRLMP (Climate Resilient Livestock Management Project).
Availability of existing services such as Atlas-Mara Bank and filling stations.
Existence of educational institutions such as Isoka Trades Institute within the district, Kapasa makasa University in Chinsali.
Rice processing plant
Title of Project: Rice processing plant
Address: located in the proposed Isoka Industrial area
Project Typology: The project will be open for FDI through a majority stake, meaning the investor will have a majority stake in the project.
Project Scope: The scope of the project will be development of a new project.
Other Collaboration Sought: Market access (Domestic or International buyers), Access to production materials and components, Technology and know-how expertise.
Objectives of The Project
The objectives of the project is to add value to the rice produce from Isoka District and packaging.
Create employment for the local people from the investment.
Broaden the economic base of the district.
Project Strengths
Availability of land for the plants.
Availability of the raw materials.
Availability of out-grower schemes to support the production of raw materials.
The presence of TRALARD project within the district.
Availability of existing services such as Atlas-Mara Bank.
Existence of educational institutions such as Isoka Trades Institute within the district, Kapasa makasa University in Chinsali.