Isoka's Potential

  1. Mealie-Meal/Stock feed Processing Plant
  • Title of Project: Mealie-Meal/Stock feed Processing Plant
  • Address: located in Isoka District, Katyetye Chiefdom- Chinyonga Ward, Isoka District. The area is currently under customary tenure.
  • Project Typology: The project will be open for FDI through a majority stake, meaning the investor will have a majority stake in the project.
  • Project Scope: The scope of the project will be development of a new project.
  • Other Collaboration Sought: The collaborations which will be sought from the investor will be, Market access (Domestic or International buyers), Technology and know-how expertise
  • Objectives of the Project
    • The objectives of the project are to add value to the agricultural produce from Isoka District which ranges from Mealie Meal Production, stock feed production and packaging.
    • Create employment for the local people from the investment.
    • Broaden the economic base of the district.
  • Project Strengths
  • Availability of suitable land for the processing plant.
  • Abundance of the required raw materials required for the processing plant within the district.
  • Availability of out-grower schemes to support the production of raw materials.
  • The presence of TRALARD project within the district to boost the production of the raw materials.
  • Availability of existing services such as Atlas-Mara Bank.
  • Existence of educational institutions such as Isoka Trades Institute within the district, Kapasa makasa University in Chinsali.


  1. Meat processing plant
  • Title of Project:  Meat processing plant
  • Address: located in Isoka District, Katyetye Chiefdom- Chinyonga Ward, Isoka District. The area is currently under customary tenure.
  • Project Typology: The proposed project will be open for foreign direct investment with the investor having a majority stake in the project.
  • Project Scope: The project scope will development of a new project
  • Other Collaboration Sought: Market access (Domestic or International buyers), Technology and know-how expertise, Technology and know-how expertise.
  • Objectives of the Project
  • The objectives of the project are to add value to the livestock produce from Isoka, Mafinga and Nakonde Districts which ranges from beef, poultry, goat meat etc.
  • Create employment for the local people from the investment.
  • Broaden the economic base of the district.
  • Project Strengths
  • Availability of land for the processing plants and it being along the Great North Road.
  • Availability of the raw materials.
  • The presence of TRALARD project within the district which would boost the production of the raw materials.
  • Climate resilient livestock management trainings are offered to the producers within the districts i.e. CRLMP (Climate Resilient Livestock Management Project).
  • Availability of existing services such as Atlas-Mara Bank and filling stations.
  • Existence of educational institutions such as Isoka Trades Institute within the district, Kapasa makasa University in Chinsali.


  1. Rice processing plant
  • Title of Project: Rice processing plant
  • Address: located in the proposed Isoka Industrial area
  • Project Typology: The project will be open for FDI through a majority stake, meaning the investor will have a majority stake in the project.
  • Project Scope: The scope of the project will be development of a new project.
  • Other Collaboration Sought: Market access (Domestic or International buyers), Access to production materials and components, Technology and know-how expertise.
  • Objectives of The Project
    • The objectives of the project is to add value to the rice produce from Isoka District and packaging.
    • Create employment for the local people from the investment.
    • Broaden the economic base of the district.
  • Project Strengths
  • Availability of land for the plants.
  • Availability of the raw materials.
  • Availability of out-grower schemes to support the production of raw materials.
  • The presence of TRALARD project within the district.
  • Availability of existing services such as Atlas-Mara Bank.
  • Existence of educational institutions such as Isoka Trades Institute within the district, Kapasa makasa University in Chinsali.